  • A Suspicion of Silver 26/04/2019

    Berwick Museum & Art Gallery will be playing host to a special visitor on the afternoon of Saturday 4th May 2019 at 2.00pm – the historical novelist Patricia Finney will be launching her new book “A Suspicion of Silver” at the venue. The book is the latest in a series of novels based on the adventures of the Elizabethan nobleman Sir Robert Carey.

    Free admission. In Berwick Museum & Art Gallery, The Clock Block, Berwick Barracks, TD15 1DG.  Tel: 01289 309 538.

    “Anyone who has read any history at all about the reign of Queen Elizabeth I has...

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  • Early Berwick 31/03/2019

    Dr Catherine Kent gives two talks about early Berwick during April 2019.  On Monday 8th April she speaks to Norham & Ladykirk Local History Society on “Early Berwick”, at 7.30pm in Norham Village Hall.

    On Wednesday 17th April she speaks on “An English Broch La Roundele, and the beginnings of Berwick” to Berwick HIstory Society, at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre, Berwick (following the AGM at 6.45pm).

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  • Volunteers wanted 16/03/2019

    The Record Office has embarked on its Twixt Thistle and Rose Project, which aime to recatalogue the historic Berwick Borough Archives collection.  It offers various volunteering opportunities including cataloguing, research, writing blogs, transcription, and conservation repackaging.

    Two meetings are being held to explain and to recruit volunteers, on Saturday 23 March and Tuesday 26th March, in the Record Office in the Library Building, Walkergate. Both meetings start at 2.00pm.  If you would like to find out more, come along to one of them the organisers of the project.



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  • The Ford Estate 16/03/2019

    On Wednesday 27th March 2019, Linda Bankier will give a talk on “The Ford Estate at the time of the Waterfords” to the North Sunderland & Seahouses Local History Society.  The venue is St. Paul’s Church Hall in North Sunderland, and the talk will start at 7.00pm.

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  • Spring lecture 05/03/2019

    The FBDMA Spring lecture and AGM will be held on Friday 15th March 2019, in the Parish Centre, Berwick, at 7.00pm.  The AGM will last for about 30 minutes, after which light refreshments will be served.

    The lecture, beginning around 7.45pm, will be given by Rachel Clamp, speaking about “Women and the Plague in Newcastle, c.1570-1640”.

    All welcome.


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