Monthly Archives : August 2024
  • Berwick Bridge 400 01/08/2024

    On Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th August 2024, there will be a weekend of celebrations to mark the 400th Anniversary of Berwick bridge. Events will take place on the Quayside Berwick and Tweedmouth and various locations around the Town, and they will include: Re-enactments; Live theatre; Stalls; Live music; King James Games; 
    Craft classes; Face painting; Artist in residency workshops; Exhibitions; RNLI.  More details below.

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  • Cornhill coffee morning 01/08/2024

    On Friday 2nd August 2024 a coffee morning will be held in Cornhill Village Hall from 10.30 to 12.00. It is organised by Border Links and the proceeds from this event will be donated to FBDMA. See the poster below for further details.

    August coffee morning poster

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